Monday, January 4, 2010



State insect is the honeybee.

Nebraska's State Gem is the Blue Agate

State motto: Equality before the law.

The goldenrod was declared the state flower on April 4, 1895.

Nebraska is the birthplace of the Reuben sandwich.

Spam (canned meat) is produced in Fremont.

The Lied Jungle located in Omaha is the world's largest indoor rain forest.

The largest Kolache Festival in the world is located in Prague, Nebraska

Lincoln County is the origin of the world's largest "Wolly Mammoth" elephant fossil.

The world's only museum dedicated to Fur Trading is located at Fort Atkinson near Blair.

The famous architect, Edward Durrell Stone, designed the Stuhr Museum near Grand Island, Nebraska.

Chevyland USA near Elm Creek, Nebraska is the only museum dedicated to a single line of cars.

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This Article was by Michelle At People's Natural Living

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