There are over 40 million people who are uninsured in the United States. That is equals to the entire country of Canada. (Marshall, 2011). At an average cost of $1,500 a year for each drug, someone without supplementary insurance who takes six different prescription drugs-and this is not rare-would have to spend $9,000 out of pocket. (Angell 2005) PG 21. For many of America people who do not have excess to health care in the USA, what is the alternative to keeping healthy? Alternative medicine, nutrition and exercise may offer the best hope for more effective, less costly health care over conventional medicine.
Natural Medicine
http://www.thenaturalguide.com/natural-medicine.htm Host Zoë Simpson explains the philosophy behind natural medicine and conventional medicine and why to choose natural medicine for health. Topics include: conventional medicine, natural medicine, Acupuncture, Naturopathy and Homeopathy. Distributed by Tubemogul
With the rising cost of conventional medical some individuals are looking for other ways to stay healthier that is less costly. Comparing both alternative medicine and conventional medicine with the most common health issue in the United State will give a better understanding between the medicines. Alternative medicine, tends to view health a as a balance of body system - mental, emotional, and spiritual, as well as physical. To fight disease, alternative medicine uses a wide range of therapies to bolster the body's own defenses and restore balance. Some of the alternative therapies include: acupuncture, aromatherapy and herbal therapies. (Time-Life Books, 1999). PG.26. "Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food."~ Hippocrates, ca. 431 BC. Super foods are vibrant, nutritionally dense foods that have recently become widely available and which offer tremendous dietary and healing potential. (Wolfe, 2009). Eating alone will not keep him or her well: he or she must also take in exercise. For food and exercise work together to produce health. (Jonas, 2009). Conventional medicine, also called biomedicine, typically view health as an absence of disease. The main causes of illness are considered be pathogens - bacteria or virus- or biochemical imbalances. Scientific test are often used in diagnosis, and drug, surgery and radiation are among the key tools for dealing with problems. (Time-Life Books, ). PG. 17
Diabetes affects more than 20 million Americans. Over 40 million Americans have pre-diabetes early type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes develops fairly quickly, usually strike people under the age of 30. Type 2 diabetes, is a disease more commonly associated with adults. In fact, it used to be called adult-onset diabetes. But, type 2 diabetes in children is on the rise, fueled largely by the obesity epidemic. (American Diabetes Association. 2008).
Natural Cure for Diabetes
Six fast food eating Americans naturally cured their diabetes by eating 100% vegan live foods for a month. Medical results are fantastic. Doctors , experts, and raw foodists are interviewed including Gabriel Cousens, MD, David Wolfe, and Woody Harrelson. This is a trailer for the feature film, now in post-production
According to Time-Life Books, The Medical Advisor The Complete Guide to Alternative and Conventional Treatment on PG 318, 321.
Conventional medicine for type 1 diabetes, it is essential that can receive supplementary insulin every day, to promote your body's use of blood glucose. Some alternative remedies offer variations of diabetic diets. Some practitioners claim that diabetes is a disorder of Western lifestyle, pointing out that when people in other culture abandon native food for a diet of refined and processed foods, diabetes rate begin to rise. In laboratory test, excise has been shown to increase the tissue levels of chromium, which the body uses to regular blood glucose and cholesterol levels.
In the United State, one in two people die from heart disease. Obese people have a greater-than-average likelihood of developing heart disease. Their extra weight places added strain on the heart and blood vessels. In addition, obese people tend to have high cholesterol: this may be due partially to dietary choices, but is also tied to the fact that obesity is associated with abnormal fat metabolism. Being sedentary increases the risk of heart disease. Annually, in the US, more than 300,000 deaths linked to obesity. (Centers for Disease Control 2007).
In the Time-Life Books, The Medical Advisor The Complete Guide to Alternative and Conventional Treatment on PG 458,463
Conventional medicine is essential once heart aims to stabilize the condition immediately, to control symptoms over the long term, and provide a cure when possible. While appropriate changes to diet and lifestyle are always recommended, the main stages of conventional care are drugs and surgery. The alternative medicine is the prevention of heart disease. Natural therapies that focus on diet, nutrition, herbalist, and purification of the body through exercise,stress reduction and detoxification can significantly reduce the body's vulnerability to certain types of heart disease. Since exercise has a protective effect on the heart and blood vessels People who exercise regularly tend to be trimmer and to have lower blood pressure and higher levels of "good" high density lipoprotein (HDL).
In the USA, about 90 percent of American house food income is spent on buy processed foods. All processed foods lack the most important nutrients that human body needs to stay health; they also contain many food preservatives that have been proven to harm his or her health. Many studies have concluded that regular consumption of processed foods can lead to a countless of health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Fresh foods contain many nutrients, such as soluble fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and natural fats, designed by nature to protect the body. (Monteiro, C.2010, ).
Also, in the Time-Life Books, The Medical Advisor The Complete Guide to Alternative and Conventional Treatment on PG 628,631
While most cases of obesity are related to family history, social environment, diet and other life style habits. There are rare instance in which something specific, such as a thyroid condition is the cause. Certain drugs, in particular estrogen, progestin, insulin, and steroid can also cause weight gain.
The conventional medical model is fatally distort and is largely profit-driven by the pharmaceutical industry that influences the media through drug advertisements. More than ever more, the American public is becoming discouraged with conventional medicine has become obvious in the growing numbers turning to alternative treatments for answers. Profit-hungry drug companies will not be making the shift to change the attitude of conventional doctors any time soon. There is too much money at stake for them to lose. That leaves it up to individual, to take control over their own health and make the change they need to stay healthy. (Mercola, 2004). The people have a choice, to learn how take care of their life now or pay for it later in life, with paying high medical bills, not feeling well or just not able to enjoy life just because of being unhealthy.
American Diabetes Association. (2008). American Diabetes Association [Standards of medical care in diabetes]. Retrieved from http://www.diabetes.org/
Angell, M. (2005). The truth about the drug companies. Retrieved from http://books.google.com/books?id=snVR0YW2yQYC&lpg=PT20&dq=Since%20prescription%20drug%20costs%20are%20rising%20so%20fast%2C%20in%20the%20United%20States.&pg=PT16#v=onepage&q&f=false
Centers for Disease Control. (2007). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/
Jonas, S., & Phillips, E. M. (2009). ACSM's exercise is medicine: a clinician's guide to exercise prescription . Retrieved from http://books.google.com/books?id=8VaQWHMUUHMC&lpg=PP1&dq=exercise%20as%20medicine&pg=PR2#v=onepage&q=exercise%20as%20medicine &f=false
Marshall, J. L., MD. (2011, February 3). Is Healthcare a Right or a Privilege? Retrieved from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/736705
Mercola, Dr. (2004, July). Alternative Vs. Conventional: Why Don't Doctors Get It. Retrieved from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2004/07/21/alternative-conventional.aspx
Monteiro, C. (2010, November). World Nutrition. Journal of the World Public Health Nutrition
Association , 1, 6. Retrieved from http://www.wphna.org/ wn_commentary_ultraprocessing_nov2010.asp
Time-Life Books. (1999). The Medical Advisor The Complete Guide to Alternative and Conventional
Treatment (A. Virginia, R. Conlan, M. Hentges, E. Robling, J. C. Weiser, R. B. Adams Jr, . . . L. Hassing, Eds., Vols. ). USA: Time Life INC. (Original work published 1996) Wolfe, D. (2009). Super foods: The Food and Medicine of the Future. Retrieved from http://books.google.com/ books?id=N1DTZ18N_YC&lpg=PA1&dq=food%20as%20medicine&pg=PT5#v=onepage&q=food%20as%20medicine&f=false
I’ve heard this is really true. I’ve got a friend who knows a lot about acupuncture and how it can help you in many ways..
Good health in terms of conventional medicine is recognized as the absence of any diagnosed disease. In homeopathy, maintaining good health not only involves the absence of disease, but also the balance of a person's psychological, mental and emotional aspects.
There are over 40 million people who are uninsured in the United States. That is equals to the entire country of Canada. (Marshall, 2011). At an average cost of $1,500 a year for each drug, someone without supplementary insurance who takes six different prescription drugs-and this is not rare-would have to spend $9,000 out of pocket. σομπες pellet
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